Saturday, November 12, 2011


So now that I have a week to figure out my proposal I'm stressin' a little, as I'm sure everyone else is. I've been thinking more about my recent sculptures and how I want the work to move towards thesis. A lot of my materials are found. I just had a conversation with my friend Adam, who also works with found material, about what attracts us to objects and why. The material that I use are engrained with their own history. They have their own meaning and I enjoy making material conform or react to the situations that I put it in. A lot of the time I just collect objects that catch my eye. They sit around my studio for a while, sometimes a year or more, and then all of a sudden I realize exactly what I want to do with them. I really enjoyed James' comment at BHQF about taking two things, facefucking them together, making a metaphor and that's art. I don't think you could break that down into anything simpler. So that's something that is important to me. Considering how materials, when combined, can be interpreted by a viewer. I also find it interesting that interpretation and understanding are completely reliant on experience. My sculpture of a goat skin stretched and tied around a large solid block of wood would be interpreted by someone from an urban environment completely differently than someone who grew up on a goat farm. I suppose this is obvious, and maybe redundant, but I think it's really interesting and something I would like to focus on a little bit more.

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