Monday, November 21, 2011

Thesis Proposal

I am unwilling to limit myself. I believe that as an artist, it is important to express creation in every form necessary. My concentration is in printmaking but I work in sculpture, drawing, painting, installation and sound. I am a maker. My practice has developed significantly over the past year and I have begun to focus on select interests throughout my work.
I consider the starting point of my work material. I am genetically predisposed to hording and collecting objects. I view this as my inability to ignore my inherent subconscious connection with materials. This nexus is ensconced in aesthetic attraction and a longing to bring vitality to something through the construction of a new entity.
What is beauty? It is experiential and significant, a consequence of our perception. It is ingrained in every aspect of life and it is my duty as an artist to present this. There is a cliché attached to beauty, and I will refrain from reiterating it here, that associates importance with recognition, which can be understood as the identification of something as having been previously seen, heard or known. Déjà vu, literally “already seen”, defines beauty and gives reason to my personal fixation with the sensation.
The relationship between artist, viewer and art is imperative. As the creator, I see and understand everything that I do on an experiential level. Art in its purest sense is communication. Often, our first step to understanding art is looking at it. We translate (in the sense that art and language are two forms of interdependent communication) our optical experience, breaking it down to variables and process. Our eyes cannot see without our mind associating. This is the fallacy that nullifies optical painting. All understanding is based on a system of relativity, which is begot through semiotics, and the function of language. What every viewer longs for is the perspicacity of the artist. They are given the product without the process and left to decipher the denouement.
My work is process. It is about the conflicting relationship between artist, art and viewer. The idea that “what one sees is what one gets” is true. I am interested in why. I want to expose the ever-present gap of understanding in art. Art cannot exist without interpretation. Art’s purpose is to be interpreted, the effects of which are limitless. Every movement, from Impressionism to Minimalism, is subject to analysis but it is essential for one to be aware of the layers of recognition.
There are steps that one takes in the presence of art. They see the thing-in-itself, as Kant said, the object in relation to the viewer. Every aspect of an artwork has significance, whether the paint is dripped or evenly distributed, applied to wood or canvas, hung on the wall or lain on the floor. After a physical relationship to a work of art is established it becomes subject to cognition. Form is processed and content is derived. When one looks at a piece of art they always see their own self. This is a result of the human consciousness, which creates meaning in relation to personal experience and perception. What differs between viewers is awareness of this phenomenon.
What my work asserts is how the engrained history of materials, modus operandi and presentation advocate personal conjecture. I appropriate components and afford meaning to them through an aesthetic-driven decision making process.
I envision the physical embodiment of my thesis project as a mixed media installation. I will incorporate both sculpture and art books. The sculpture, a continuation of my current explorations, will act as the art object, the signified. I see the artist books as being a physical bridge between artist and viewer. They themselves are art objects, physically digested by the viewer through interaction.  The images and words will comprise a system of meaning that pertains to the sculptural objects. The viewer will reach a level of understanding indicative of their experience, interaction and aesthetics.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Okay so I finally got around to uploading documentation of some of the work I have been doing this semester.

 These two paintings are some of the first ones that I finished so far. They're pretty small, about 4" x 6", gouache and acrylic on wood.

cellular mobile 1
cellular mobile 2

This is a mixed media piece. It was a difficult piece for me but I received a really great critique from my discussion group on it. It really makes me question what I'm doing and saying which is something that should happen with every piece that one makes.

deep spaced

These are photos of a piece I had in the Mason Gross Annual this year. The piece is titled Drawing Practice II and it's 22" x 30", colored pencil on paper. As the title indicates, it is the second piece I've done in this style. The first one I made while studying in France. I really enjoy this way of working and I think it is informed from my first experiences with the work of Tom Friedman when I was in high school.

This is a new sculpture that I installed at LAB about two weeks ago. It did not last very long and at this point I've decided to rework the piece with some different materials. I will be documenting it when I have my critique with Catherine Murphy.

just for sport

This is the first of a serious of identical pieces. Essentially it is a maquette for a piece that I envision being fabricated in a mirrored acrylic plastic. This piece embodies what I am dealing with and thinking about doing for my thesis. At this point I feel that I have begun to branch out from this piece but it is still something that i am considering pursuing in one form or another.


 These are photos of a sculpture that I had in the Mason Gross Annual this year. I am very pleased with this piece although I believe I was taking a risk with the use of the American flag balloon in the sense that it could be interpreted in a very direct way. The balloon was a later addition to the piece and essentially I was looking for something gaudy that would react to the simple beauty of the rest of the piece. This piece does not use any nails or glue and is held in place by gravity. I came upon this idea sitting in my studio at LAB. I had a couple pieces of scrap wood laying around and I stacked the first two pieces, was intrigued by it and then added the top horizontal piece. I've been really interested in this process of stacking and balancing things. I think it is a result of internal temptation and my own desire to see just how far I can physically push a material to the brink of collapse. It leaves one with a deep feeling of tension and longing for release.

oh, it's alright over

Saturday, November 12, 2011


So now that I have a week to figure out my proposal I'm stressin' a little, as I'm sure everyone else is. I've been thinking more about my recent sculptures and how I want the work to move towards thesis. A lot of my materials are found. I just had a conversation with my friend Adam, who also works with found material, about what attracts us to objects and why. The material that I use are engrained with their own history. They have their own meaning and I enjoy making material conform or react to the situations that I put it in. A lot of the time I just collect objects that catch my eye. They sit around my studio for a while, sometimes a year or more, and then all of a sudden I realize exactly what I want to do with them. I really enjoyed James' comment at BHQF about taking two things, facefucking them together, making a metaphor and that's art. I don't think you could break that down into anything simpler. So that's something that is important to me. Considering how materials, when combined, can be interpreted by a viewer. I also find it interesting that interpretation and understanding are completely reliant on experience. My sculpture of a goat skin stretched and tied around a large solid block of wood would be interpreted by someone from an urban environment completely differently than someone who grew up on a goat farm. I suppose this is obvious, and maybe redundant, but I think it's really interesting and something I would like to focus on a little bit more.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I can't do anything I want with this blog because none of the computers have the latest version of FLASH.

Anyway, I feel like I have been getting side tracked from my thesis. I have been painting a lot, which isn't a bad thing, but i think of it more as practice or experimentation and less guided. I've given up on a couple sculpture ideas due to lack of funds etc. One of them has manifested itself in a new form and I was really pleased when Allison told us we should worry if our work comes out the same way we originally envisioned it. I've come to realize that I do have very strong vision when it comes to forming a piece in my mind but they always change along the way. I think it is important to work with materials instead of force materials. My recent sculptures have been addressing material symbolism and aesthetics. I recently discovered the work of Katie Bell and almost pooped my pants out of excitement. CHECK THIS SHIT OUT.

...if I had to marry an artist based on their work.

I've finally started working on some prints. It's been a couple months since I've printed anything. I started with some simple citrasolv transfers of an image that i've had sitting in my studio. I basically turned it into little postcards to send to friends in France.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

been away

I've been crazy busy lately and haven't had much time to actually sit down and write about what has been going on. Thesis has been going well and I am just excited to be in the studio and working although it never feels like I spend enough time here. The last actual thesis class was a couple weeks ago when Group A was doing critiques. I had already shown two of the three pieces to a different discussion group that I am a part of and I got some really amazing feedback from them. However, when I showed the pieces in Thesis crit no one except Catherine Murphy had anything to say about them. It was a little annoying to be sitting there quietly with nobody saying anything, especially when I am one of the main contributors to everyone else's critiques. At least, I had already gotten good feedback on the work before Thesis.

We spent the next session "speed curating" the show which was an exercise in futility. I do not see the point in "curating" when Gerry tries to push all of the submitted work into the show anyway. The gallery that my team curated turned out great because we would not except additional pieces for the room and we made sure all of the work had enough space to breathe. Overall I have never been satisfied with the BFA shows. There are always a few good pieces that address the theme and are executed well, but most of the work is shit. It seems like they pick a theme to guide people but end up hanging a lot of work that is completely contradictory to the theme or ignorant of it. Better luck next year right?

Yesterday we all went to Brooklyn which, once again, was an exercise in futility. We spent close to 3 hours on the bus before my group finally got to the first studio. We talked with Allison for about 30 minutes and then got back on the bus, drove around for another hour and then went to the Bruce High Quality Foundation for 45 minutes. It was completely ridiculous and poorly planned. I would have much rather just spent the entire time at BHQ instead of being dragged around Brooklyn for several hours. Better luck next year.

My work has been coming along nicely and I have begun to explore new ways of working in both sculpture and painting. I see my new sculpture work addressing stronger ideas and concepts and the paintings feel more like explorations grounded in aesthetics and process.

I have been reading a couple of books that have really touched on concepts that interest me. One of them, "Why is that Art?" discusses formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism and aesthetic theory. Another book, "Lyric Postmodernisms" is a collection of writings from 30 postmodernist poets. They talk a lot about form and content and I really enjoy some of the poetry, especially the work of Mei-mei Berssenbrugge.